Full Steam Ahead!

Howdy-ho, it's another update, would you look at that!

Things are going along swimmingly, and I've pushed off the first version to my alpha testers. They've already found a whole bunch of things I missed and had some wonderful suggestions for improvements, so why not share some of that with you?

For starters, my alpha testers are all volunteers in the official server. They've been invested in the project for a good long while, and without their support, this wouldn't have gone as far as it has. You'll see credits to them in the demo, but I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to them as a group for the time being!

Most of what they found was namely grammatical errors and a couple instances of sprites not going away--this is because initially, I let my own personal method of naming files interfere how Ren'py parses file names. I like to use underscores, and as a result, Ren'py registers them as complete separate character names, meaning they won't auto-hide when moving to the next character. Thus, I had to use a 'hide' command for every single instance of changing a character over! Pretty tedious, right?

This has since been fixed as I went and changed all my file names in the game folder, so it's not as much of an issue, and the missed tags have been fixed as well.

Also overall, people did not enjoy the text box--Which I understand! What I had there was more or less just something to prove I /could/ change it, and I absolutely /hate/ Ren'py's default.

Thus, with their suggestions, we now have a sparkly new UI!

There's also name boxes and a change in font, as well! Hopefully it'll still be quite readable!

And we also have a pretty new main menu rather than the default stuff, thanks to imagemapping!

I would have liked to do something more complex where the buttons change color on hover/click, but I still haven't quite... Figured that out, yet :'3 

If I manage to before the release date, then I'll be sure to, but it still works just fine without, so I'm willing to overlook it!

Now all that's really needed is polishing the BGM and sound effects, because in all honesty, it wasn't my wheelhouse. I didn't have a good variety, so I got some help from Cow-Legs for stuff I could use--Actually, he's been a BIG help through this since he has more experience in game dev than I do. He's also responsible for the designs of a few characters (Inky, Jacques, Pragma), too, so in a way, this wouldn't be possible without him, heehee!

With all this in mind, it's full steam ahead to April 1st for the release date!! Tell your friends, and keep an eye out, ya hear!!

Get Court of Fools

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