Scripting Begins...

It's time for another major update, because I've made some MAJOR progress!!!

As I said in my last log, I recently finished all the writing I had to do for the demo, and it went through my betas with great approval! 

Thus, with everything in order, I've now started the process of setting it all up in Ren'py!

This process isn't actually very hard, since Ren'py's scripting language is simple to learn and get the hang of (and google is also a great help), it's just quite tedious. However, at the pace I'm going, I daresay the game could be all wrapped up and ready for my betas to play in time for my predicted release date of April 1st!! Isn't that great?

So far, I think I'm sitting around the 25% mark for total scripting, since I'm about halfway done with the interview segments. These parts in particular are the most complex code-wise (though, compared to what you can do in Ren'py, not super complex for the program at all), as I make use of labels and jumping to create a sort of seamless experience where you can choose the jesters to talk to in any order as well as which questions to ask, then return to the start!

There will also be a major branching segment in the latter half of the demo, where you select a route and then stick with it to the end, having a different experience for each choice. These branches are far more simpler in terms of labeling and jumping, thus should be no problem at all to implement!

I do have just a couple more last-second art bits I'll need to do just because I don't want to settle for repeating use of what I already have, but those are already noted and planned out, so should take no time at all and I'll get to them when I get to those parts in the script.

All in all, this might be the last major update until it's time to launch, so get ready!!

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